My end goal was to improve my means of communication by taking into account some of the current issues in our world.

Communication in relation to the use of image, typography, medium as well as showing in general how I work is what you will find here. I have adopted the idea of ''How do you Communicate a worldwide issue...'' because I feel as though in today’s world there are a lot of issues that need addressing. I additionally feel that there is a specific approach one needs to apply when beginning to address these issues. What I wish to create in this research library is an imaginary journey of exploration, what I would want to learn or try, if I had the time and if I were to take a stance on addressing our world issues, which i'm not choosing to do by the way. In this exploration I thought it would be good to touch on the knowledge one would think to require as well try to imagine the task. It's all about the preparation.

I would like to reiterate the point that the question is to serve as a loose guideline to my path of improving my communication as a designer, for example in the inspiration wall, you will see a great deal of designs and visual work which relates to the BLM. movement. Studying, organising, grouping and most importantly learning from these works is vital to me. My goal was not to create continuous visual statements and create exemplifying campaigns but to simply expand my knowledge of communication in a more focused manner.

Inflicting the role of a graphic designer in this question allowed me to feel more grounded and connected with the process. Additionally including my interests in current affairs allowed me to broaden my research.

First time trying! Really look forward to working with this programme again.
Created using After Effects.